Hard Rock Golf Course
Early Green Fee $160. USD 7:00am to 8:00am
Teed Off Tee Times Special Rate - At 11 AM $150. USD
INCLUDED: Rates include food and beverages.
Green Fees include transportation from and back to your hotel if outside of Playa del Carmen at No Extra Cost!
Hard Rock Golf Course (formerly Playacar) is located in the heart of Playa del Carmen and was designed and constructed under the supervision of the famous architect Robert Von Hagge. This magnificent golf course is a par-72 with a distance of 7,144 yards, surrounded by a diversity of lakes and exuberant vegetation, is considered the most challenging course of the region. Its all-inclusive system offers food and beverage at the club house and snacks along the course.
Early Green Fee $160. USD 7:00am to 8:00am
Morning Green Fee $200. USD 8:00am to 11:00am
Teed Off Tee Times Special Rate - At 11 AM $150. USD
Junior (Under 18) $70. USD
Rider $35. USD
Club Rentals $65. USD
INCLUDED: Rates include food and beverages.
Green Fees include transportation from and back to your hotel if outside of Playa del Carmen at No Extra Cost!